P6 Term 2 Plan and Targets

What a start to our second term in Primary 6! Halloween, followed by our £1 challenge sale preparation – it’s a busy one!

Learning Journey jotters have been sent home with examples of work from the first term – it would be great if you could spend some time with your child to look at these, and they can tell you about all their hard work! You will also find the targets for this new term, as well as information about home learning.

Please decide on 3 targets with your child (could be from the list provided, or your own one) and the learning journey jotter must be returned to school by Monday 14th November. This is so we can start showing off all our current work in it!

Thanks for your continued support.

Empowered Learning at QPS

We are now in the final few weeks of preparation for our participation in Edinburgh’s Empowered Learning iPad project.

An email will go home to the parents/ carers of pupils in P6 and 7 with a bit more detail and a link to the agreement which needs to be signed before we can send iPads home.

Key dates for us are…

  • Wednesday 23rd November – all P6/7 pupils will be given their own iPad for school use.
  • Tuesday 29th November – we will host an information evening for families to discuss our intended use of iPads and answer any further questions you might have. iPads may be taken home by attendees after this event.
  • Wednesday 30th November – all pupils with signed agreements may take their iPads home.

Important links are…

P7 Term 1 Plan and Targets

We have sent home the Target Sheets and Learning Statements for this term in P7. Please check with your child and use this sheet to have a conversation with them about what they will be learning between now and the October holidays, and what they want to include as their personal targets.

We would like these to be returned by Friday 9th September please, so that Mr Lynch and Mrs Thomson can discuss them with the children.

We have attached a copy of this in case yours goes astray. If you can share this information that would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Mr Lynch & Mrs Thomson